6-Month Integrative Nutrition Coaching Program


Our 6-month program is the most comprehensive and effective program we offer. It encompasses all aspects of a healthy lifestyle including nutrition, physical activity, stress management, spirituality, relationships, and career. We will explore the areas that need improvement and will provide you with guidance and support when making positive changes. Our approach is to help the individual create healthy changes that are sustainable over time.


  • Welcome kit
  • A 1-hour health history consultation
  • Comprehensive pre-consultation health history questionnaire
  • General nutrition suggestions to support your personal goals
  • 12 one-on-one sessions consisting of 1 hour each
  • Grocery store walkthrough and food label interpretation
  • Email support during the length of the program
  • Guidance and support on implementing lifestyle changes
  • Easy recipes for healthy and nutritious meals 
  • Cooking sessions 
  • Resources, tip sheets, handouts
  • Meditation techniques
  • Best physical activity options
  • Food journal  


Our 6-Month program consists of 12 sessions, available over the phone or video call (such as Skype), during which we will provide the guidance for you to set and accomplish your own goals. We will have an initial consultation during which we will explore the aspects of your life that are impacting your health and overall wellness.  This program is put together to help you set personal goals and create realistic, long-lasting lifestyle changes.

Some of the things we work on during our 6-month program are on how to achieve and maintain ideal weight, understanding and reducing cravings, learning how to properly nourish your body, increase energy levels and improving sleep quality.

A few topics we will discuss during this 6-month program include: removing toxins, the importance of the microbiome, self-care, a holistic approach to reducing stress and increasing overall happiness.